
Members of the Research Consortium on Gender-Based Violence are committed to working collaboratively with community experts to develop practical products and tools that can be useful to advocates and practitioners. A sample of these products is below, and all are available at no charge. We ask that you properly cite authorship if you use any of these tools, and we hope you find them to be useful.

Program Evaluation for Domestic Violence Agencies

Unlike some service programs with obvious and tangible outcomes — such as those designed to prevent teenage pregnancy or to teach parenting skills — domestic violence victim service programs provide multiple services with intangible or hard-to-measure outcomes. In some cases, services are extremely short-term (such as providing information over the phone) and/or are provided to anonymous individuals (as is often the case with crisis calls). It is also difficult to evaluate programs designed to prevent a negative event from occurring. In the case of battering, the survivor is not responsible for preventing the abuse and is often unable to stop it from occurring regardless of her actions.

Cris Sullivan has worked with domestic violence programs since 1997 to help them evaluate their efforts in ways that are both meaningful to programs and important to funders. Outcome evaluation manuals include:


She has also worked with the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence to compile and publicize the evidence supporting domestic violence programs. Evidence summaries can be found here; further information is at www.dvevidenceproject.org


The following publications can be useful in helping funders understand the complexities involved in evaluating domestic violence programs:

Best Practices Toolkit for Working with Domestic Violence Survivors with Criminal Histories

RCGV_Tweets_Toolkit_CrimHist 768x593

Sheryl KubiakCris M. Sullivan, Lauren Fries, Nkiru NnawuleziGina Fedock
Download 172-Page Toolkit Here [pdf]
Description: This practical toolkit provides information and referral sources to assist both criminal legal and domestic violence professionals in overcoming barriers to effectively working with domestic violence survivors charged with crimes. The toolkit was written as a product of the Michigan Open Doors project, a 3-year planning and capacity-building grant awarded to the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCEDSV) by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Step-by-Step Practitioner Toolkit for Evaluating the Work of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Programs in the Criminal Justice System


View Project Here [pdf]
Created As Part of NIJ Award 2005-WG-BX-0003 Rebecca Campbell, Ph.D., Principal Investigator
Description: The goal of this Toolkit is to assist SANE program staff in evaluating how their program affects the reporting, investigation, and prosecution of sexual assault cases in their community.
Resources for communities on untested rape kits:
NIJ Creating a Sexual Assualt Kit Testing Plan Report
NIJ Performing an Audit of Sexual Assult Kits Report
NIJ SAK Victim Notification Report 

Tools Needed to Implement the Community Advocacy Project

advocacy, domestic violence, survivors, community, DV, DV advocate, CAP program, Dr. Cris Sullivan, RCGV

Description: The Community Advocacy Project is an evidence-based program designed by Cris Sullivan to help survivors of intimate partner abuse re-gain control of their lives. This project, which is strengths-based and survivor-centered, can be incorporated into many domestic violence programs fairly easily and inexpensively. It has been shown to decrease survivors’ risk of re-abuse, and to increase their quality of life, level of social support, and ability to obtain the community resources they need.

Interview with Dr. Rebecca Campbell on the Neurobiology of Sexual Assault

A 3-part conversation with the National Institute of Justice: How can law enforcement tell the difference between trauma vs. Lying? Dr. Campbell brings together research on the neurobiology of trauma and the criminal justice response to sexual assault.