- Department: Social Work
- Position: Faculty
- Area of Study: Intimate Partner Violence, Cumulative Victimization Over the Life Course
MSU’s Research Consortium on Gender-Based Violence faculty and staff are dedicated to research and outreach initiatives related to ending and preventing gender-based violence and improving the community response to survivors. RCGV faculty are committed to mentoring the next generation of gender-based violence researchers by providing substantial educational and employment opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students.
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a significant and widespread social problem internationally, devastating adults, children, families and societies across the globe. It includes any form of harm that is both a consequence and cause of gender power inequities.
It can be physical, psychological, sexual, economic, or sociocultural, and includes but is not limited to sexual abuse, rape, intimate partner abuse, incest, sexual harassment, stalking, femicide, trafficking, gendered hate crimes and dowry abuse. Gender-based violence intersects with race-based, class-based or religiously oppressive forms of abuse, and cross-cuts many other social problems (e.g., poverty, substance abuse, mental and physical health, crime).
My name is Kyla Cary (she/her/hers), and I am a doctoral student in Human Development and Family Studies with a concentration in Lifespan Human Development and Family Diversity. My faculty advisor is Dr. Megan Maas. My research interests lie broadly at the intersection of human sexuality and media with a focus on adolescent and emerging adult development. These broad research interests have led me to collaborate with scholars in HDFS, Psychology, and Communications Arts and Sciences to research sexting among emerging adults, Instagram selfie posting and psychological well-being, as well as sexual consent and hookup experiences of college students
Ronald is currently involved in a gender-based violence study of women in Uganda, Africa. This study is led by an MSU faculty from the department of psychiatry together with a team of collaborators in Uganda. It is a quantitative pilot study where 100 teenage mothers between the ages of 13-19 in rural Eastern Uganda were interviewed about their experiences with physical and sexual violence, pregnancy-related stigma, and psychological distress. Findings from the analysis indicated that teenage mothers experience tremendous amount of physical and sexual violence, as well as, pregnancy-related stigma, especially from their family members and neighbors.
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