Kathleen Darcy is a doctoral student with the School of Criminal Justice. Her research interests center on the intersection of women and gender-based violence, the law, civil rights, and institutions, with a focus on prisons. Kathleen is passionate about interdisciplinary work and examining how the law impacts those impacted by sexual violence. She received her BA in English Language and Literature from the University of Michigan in 2009. She received her Juris Doctorate from Michigan State University College of Law in 2013 with a focus on gender inequality, addiction, and the legal profession, and is licensed to practice law in the state of Michigan. In 2017, she finished her MA at University of Chicago with an interdisciplinary focus on law, criminal justice, history, and human rights. Her work has appeared in Pepperdine Law Review, Cornell Law Review, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, and Criminal Justice Policy Review.
Kathleen recently had a law review article accepted in Women’s Rights Law Reporter. The article focuses on gaps in federal policy, the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) surrounding investigations of staff sexual misconduct of women in prison. It will be published in 2020.