Dr. Katie Gregory is a Professor of Psychology at Michigan State University and Associate Director of the Research Consortium on Gender-Based Violence. Dr. Gregory’s research examines community responses to gender-based violence, and how those responses may harm or facilitate healing for survivors. Dr. Gregory is the Director of the Michigan Victim Advocacy Network, providing training and technical assistance to advocates serving victims and survivors of crime throughout Michigan. In addition, Dr. Gregory is the Co-PI for a Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) project funded through the Michigan State Police, focusing on a SAKI team’s decisions regarding the re-opening, re-investigation, and prosecution of previously untested rape kits cases.
Selected Publications
- Campbell, R., Gregory, K., Engleton, J., Javorka, M., & Goodman-Williams, R. (2024). “This Time It Was Different:” Creating a Multidisciplinary, Trauma-Informed, Victim-Centered Approach to Sexual Assault Cold Case Investigations and Prosecutions. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 08862605241284068.
- Campbell, R., Gregory, K., PettyJohn, M. E., Moylan, C. A., Buchanan, N. T., Wiklund, L., … & Nason, J. (2024). Building a culture of support: The use of a social norms campaign to create a trauma-informed campus community. Journal of American College Health, 1-5.
- Campbell, R., Javorka, M., Engleton, J., Fishwick, K., Gregory, K., & Goodman-Williams, R. (2023). Open-Science guidance for qualitative research: An empirically validated approach for de-identifying sensitive narrative data. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 6(4), 25152459231205832.
- Campbell, R., Gregory, K., Goodman-Williams, R., Engleton, J., & Javorka, M. (2024). Community-based advocacy in “cold case” sexual assault prosecutions: A qualitative exploration of survivors’ and advocates’ experiences. Qualitative Social Work, 23(1), 126-144.
- Campbell, R., Gregory, K., Goodman-Williams, R., Engleton, J., & Javorka, M. (2023). Victim notification protocols for untested sexual assault kits: Survivors’ and advocates’ perspectives on law enforcement-led outreach methods. Violence against women, 29(15-16), 3101-3125.