Dr. Holt is an Assistant Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University. She earned her Ph.D. in 2015 from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City. While at John Jay, she was involved in a collaborative project with the Federal Bureau of Investigation where she conducted research on homicides and sexual violence using F.B.I. case files submitted by the Behavioral Analysis Unit. She has examined sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and sexual victimization among traditionally stigmatized populations. She is the Criminal Justice faculty advisor to the Strengthening Teen Relationships and Inspiring Valuable Experiences (STRIVE) program, which is a mentorship program for juveniles who have committed a sexual offense. Her research focuses on sexual deviance and offending, deviance and identity, and sexual victimization. Her work has been published in Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment and Deviant Behavior.
Selected Publications
- Holt, K. (Forthcoming). Violations of Consent and Retaliatory Justice in the BDSM Community. In J.D. Stein (ed.) Asking for It: An Anthology of Consent. Riverdale Avenue Books.
- Holt, K. (2016). Blacklisted: Boundaries, Violations, and Retaliatory Behavior in the BDSM Community. Deviant Behavior, DOI:10.1080/01639625.2016.1156982
- Holt, K. (2014). “Sadism and masochism.” In Copes, H. & Forsyth, C. (eds). The encyclopedia of social deviance. Sage Publications.
- Holt, K. (2014). “Fetishes.” In Copes, H. & Forsyth, C. (eds). The encyclopedia of social deviance. Sage Publications.
- Holt, K. & Massey, C. (2013). Sexual preference or opportunity: An examination of situational factors by gender of victims of clergy abuse. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. DOI 10.1177/1079063211425690