Dr. Cris M. Sullivan is Director of the Research Consortium on Gender-based Violence,
Professor of Ecological/Community Psychology, and a Senior Fellow of MSU’s Office on
Outreach and Engagement. Her areas of research expertise include conducting rigorous,
longitudinal evaluations of community interventions for domestic violence survivors and
their children, improving the community response to gender-based violence, and
evaluating victim service programs. Her research has been funded by the National Institute
of Mental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute of
Justice, and foundations, and her work has impacted research, policy and practice.
In addition to consulting for local, state, federal and international organizations and
initiatives, Dr. Sullivan also conducts workshops on effectively advocating in the
community for domestic violence survivors and their children; improving system
responses to the problem of gender-based violence; implementing the Domestic Violence
Housing First model; and evaluating victim service agencies.
Select Publications
Sullivan, C. M., Guerrero, M., Simmons, C., López-Zerón, G., Ayeni, O., Farero, A.,
Chiaramonte, D., & Sprecher, M. (2023). Impact of the Domestic Violence Housing
First model on survivors’ housing stability, safety and wellbeing: Twelve month
findings. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38, 4790-813.
Sullivan, C. M., Sprecher, M., Guerrero, M., Fernandez, A., & Simmons, C. (2022). The use of
children as a tactic of intimate partner violence and its impact on survivors’ mental
health and well-being over time. Journal of Family Violence, Online First:
Sullivan, C. M., López-Zerón, G., Farero, A., Ayeni, O., Simmons, C., Chiaramonte, D., Guerrero,
M., Hamdan, N., & Sprecher, M. (2022). Impact of the Domestic Violence Housing
First model on survivors’ housing stability, safety and wellbeing: Six month findings.
Journal of Family Violence. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-022-00381-x
Chiaramonte, D., Clements, K.A.V., López-Zerón, G., Ayeni, O., Farero, A., Ma, W., & Sullivan,
C.M. (2022). Examining contextual influences on the service needs of homeless and
unstably housed domestic violence survivors. Journal of Community Psychology
50(4), 1831-1853. http://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22637
Chiaramonte, D., Simmons, C., Hamdan, N., Ayeni, O., López-Zerón, G., Farero, A., Sprecher,
M., & Sullivan, C.M. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on the safety, housing stability,
and mental health of unstably housed domestic violence survivors. Journal of
Community Psychology, 50(4), 1831-1853. http://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22765
Sullivan, C.M., Chiaramonte, D., López-Zerón, G., Gregory, K., & Olsen, L. (2021). Evaluation
in the real world: Decision points and rationales in creating a rigorous study
designed to convey ecologically valid findings. American Journal of Community
Psychology 67, 447-455. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12485